Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Stock Market Rule #2

How much am I willing to lose.

Before you can ski you must know how to fall. Likewise before you ever search for a stock, you must know just how much you could lose and still feel comfortable with that loss.

Oh, one more thing. You will lose money.
Happy Trading!

Stock Market Rule #1

Forget everything you have ever heard about the stock market. 

Why? Because it's most likely bull crap. If you heard it on television, radio or from a mutual fund manager, it is definitely Bull Crap!

Trading The Stock Market

Here is what this blog was originally intended to become. A collection of thoughts and ideas I use for my own personal wealth creation. My passion is the stock market, so many of my subsequent posts will be centered around this subject.

What are my qualifications to teach this subject? I will be blunt. I Make Money!