The real secret is, everyone uses the law of attraction to attract good things and bad things into their life, whether they believe in it or not. Just like the law of gravity, you don't have to understand or even believe in gravity to use it to your advantage or disadvantage. You might ask how can you use gravity to your disadvantage? The answer is simple, if you jump off of a building you're going to fall and get hurt. Gravity doesn't understand what's good for you or bad for you. It's just gravity.
The law attraction works the same way. It doesn't know what's positive or negative. It's just a law. Here's an exercise to help you understand, let's say you're shopping, and you keep telling yourself "don't forget the milk, don't forget the milk", and you keep repeating that in your mind even out loud, it doesn't matter because what you're actually telling yourself is to "forget the milk, forget the milk". You see your subconscious doesn't understand what do or don't means, because all your subconscious hears is "forget the milk". When what you really need to be telling your subconscious is "remember the milk" or better yet I "will pick up milk before I leave the store".
This is just a very basic example but the use of the law of attraction is actually very much broader and more complex. Again just like gravity we can use it to simply play catch with our children or to slingshot a spacecraft around the moon. Before Anything Was Created, It Existed Only In Someone's Imagination. I hope this helps, feel free to contact me if you have any questions.
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